OK, OK, we know your dogs can’t have chocolate or other harmful human treats, but that doesn’t mean they have to miss out on all the Easter fun! Below are some DGA-approved gifts to add to your dog’s Easter Basket this Spring.
Tuffy Radish the White Rabbit
For dogs who play rough and chew tough, go for a stronger toy, like Tuffy Radish the White Rabbit
With assorted flavors like bacon and peanut butter, you can’t go wrong with these digestible chew toys. These long-lasting chew toys are especially good for tough chewers.
Top Paw Easter Bunny Flattie Squeek Toy
For the little dogs with a gentler chew, this is a bright new toy to get them in the spirit!
Rawhide “Lollipops”
She might not be allowed to have a real lollipop, but these will make her much, much happier.
Pig Ear
Miss out on honeyed ham table scraps can have your dog hankering for something similar. Put a pig ear in the Easter basket! These are perfect for dogs who can’t handle the hard chew treats, too.

Available at most pet stores.
Deer or Elk Antlers
In the spirit of Spring and new beginnings, naturally shed antlers are a great chew treat. Antlers are good clean fun: they don’t leave any mess behind, plus they offer a healthy dose of calcium and manganese while keep tartar at bay.
Raw Beef Bones
Pick these up at your local grocer for cheap. Raw is the way to go with bones, since cooked bones can splinter and harm your dog. be sure to look for bones that don’t have much fat on them.
Easter Dresses
If you’ve trained your dog to be comfortable in costumes, then she might enjoy her own Easter dress.
Bunny Ears
A dog in bunny ears, there’s only one day a year you can get away with this. Even if he only keeps them on for 5 minutes, it’s worth it for the photo!
Dog Collars & BowTies
Dress’em for the festivities with an Easter collar! There are lots of unique designs here.
For more on Easter fun and safety tips for your dog, read on here.