Proudly Serving Reno, Sparks, Lake Tahoe and Surrounding Areas

July and August are prime months for camping in the Sierra Nevadas. The low temperatures stay high relative to other months, the weather is temperate and the outdoor activites are endless. For dog owners, the good ol’ camping times can be even more fun when you bring your dog along. However, there are some important things to remember when considering dog-friendly campsites in Lake Tahoe and surrounding areas.

Packing for the Trip

Packing your dog’s bags is similar to packing your own; well, without the waste bags, chew toys and raw-hide treats. Bring food and water bowls, food and clean water, treats, toys and anything else to make your dog have PAWSitively the most fun on the campsite. When crossing state lines you may be asked to show proof of vaccinations, so any relevant vaccination and identification records for your dog can be necessary as well, even though that can be a pain in the rump.

On the Grounds

Many dog-friendly campsites in Lake Tahoe require dogs to be leashed at most times, so don’t forget your leash. While you’re camping, check your dog’s coat and paws regularly for insects (such as ticks), thorns, rocks or anything else that could irritate their feet. Make sure to check with your campsite in case there is an additional fee for bringing a pet on grounds.

Once You’re Home

After the trip, you’ll probably be dying to take a shower and wash off the days of dirt and dust from the wilderness. And while your dog may not notice the dirt as much as you do, he/she needs a bath, too. Again, check for cuts, scratches or bugs that might have grabbed on while camping.

Here in Reno/Tahoe we love outdoor activities like camping with our dogs. Here are a few dog-friendly campsites in Lake Tahoe to check out this summer: