by DGA Dogs | Feb 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Valentine’s Day to DGA means Puppy Love Day! If you’re wondering why we were asking for all your puppy photos the past few weeks, we’re celebrating the unconditional love and happiness our pups give us. Whether your pup is 2 weeks old or has been your right-hand...
by DGA Dogs | Nov 3, 2016 | Dog Gone Amazing Diaries, Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Uncategorized
Before the Holidays get under way, you want every member of the family in tip-top shape before company arrives. Collars flattened, fingernails cut and cleaned, hair combed–and that all goes for your pup, too! No one likes to be greeted by smelly dog breath, no...
by DGA Dogs | Sep 6, 2016 | Dog Day Care in Reno, Dog Safety and Precautions, Dog Training in Reno, Dog Training Tips, Uncategorized
Teaching your dog command words is one of the most rewarding achievements you can experience as a dog owner. Proper verbal command development makes your life easier, makes your dog’s life safer, and strengthens the bond between you and your furry best friend....
by DGA Dogs | Aug 22, 2016 | Dog boarding in Reno, Dog Training in Reno, Dog Training Tips, K-9 Classes and Workshops, Uncategorized
Sometimes dogs just forget parts of their training. We won’t bore you with the science of it, but basically dogs learn and remember language much like we learn and remember a foreign language: it takes practice, patience and immersion. There are methods to...
by DGA Dogs | Aug 9, 2016 | Dog boarding in Reno, Dog Day Care in Reno, Dog Training in Reno, Dog Training Tips, K-9 Classes and Workshops, Uncategorized
Being a new student can be intimidating. There are new dogs and new skills to learn, and a new environment. We want to make your dog’s first day of school comfortable so she can learn without feeling completely out of her element. So what does the first day of...
by DGA Dogs | Jul 29, 2016 | Dog boarding in Reno, Dog Day Care in Reno, Dog Gone Amazing Diaries, Dog Training in Reno, Dog Training Tips, Uncategorized
When it comes to command words, we know the basics “sit” and “come” and, if you’re feeling playful, “roll over.” But what about the less known commands like “break” or “release”? Malaika and Ripken show...