Proudly Serving Reno, Sparks, Lake Tahoe and Surrounding Areas

Sorry everyone, today will be more of a summary than a timed account.  Rufus is sitting here next to me as I type.  He had a great morning, very relaxed.  I started teaching him the place command which is very difficult for him due to his anxiety.  Having him stay in one place for any period of time is stressful for him.  His flight drive is so strong that placing him makes him feel a bit trapped which is why it will be a huge hurdle for  him to work through.  This command will help him learn to be still, to think about the moment he is in and alleviate the flight reflex.  One of my boys Manny decided to try to play with a big exercise ball that is 10 times his size and it went flying at the backdoor.  The blinds made a loud noise that Rufus didn’t appreciate and he is still a little shell shocked.  Add that to the crazy 3 legged cat jumping off a ledge in the living room and knocking over a frame.  Yes they were scary noises but they were real life occurrences.  These are the things we need him to experience and process to get better.  I am going to bring Rufus with me into the living room to watch a little Larry David.  If anything postworthy happens I will let you know.