Proudly Serving Reno, Sparks, Lake Tahoe and Surrounding Areas

4:30   What an awesome day!  First I had a dog lesson at 11 o clock and Rufus was able to help me by being a distraction for the dog.  Then we went for a walk around Virginia Lake where he met lots of dogs and said hello to people.  We did some place work along the way as well.  He was pretty unsure about why I was asking him to place on a rock but hes super smart and did it!  Then we went to group class where he got to have a visit with his parents and brother Buzz.  They did some place work with him and then at the end of class he joined the rest of the group.  You could really see his self esteem improve as he stood there amongst the other dogs.  That is where the obedience comes into place with helping a nervous/anxious dog.  They have such low self esteem that they would rather be invisible or hide.  Well not anymore for Rufus.  Place is still difficult for him but he is definitely coming along.  I correlate it to having a claustrophobic person stand in a closed elevator.  There is no escape route and they panic.  Its the same thing for Rufus.  He is being asked to stay in one place and not run away.  This command is going to help him by leaps and bounds.  He is going up easier and staying on without fidgeting.  Hes out like a light right now.  Sleeping away on the couch.  He deserves it!