Proudly Serving Reno, Sparks, Lake Tahoe and Surrounding Areas

11:45 Rufus came with me to the salon to get my hair done.  He was quite the little charmer.  All the pretty girls just oohed and ahhed over him and told him to not be scared as they scratched his head.  I brought in a blanket for him and he just relaxed down near my feet.

2:00 A little stop to petsmart on our way home.  I showed him every toy they had to see what he was interested in.  We decided on a little blue stuffed animal that squeaks.  We walked around for quite a while looking at the adoption kitties and little gerbils.  He liked smelling other peoples carts checking out what they had.  He said hello to a pretty girl boxer and a 2 pound little chihuahua who he actually really liked a lot.  He met some ladies in the store who wished him luck with his rehabilitation and said, “There’s Rufus,” every time we passed them in the store.  He is making quite a mark on people.

4:00  Rufus is taking a well needed nap on the couch.  He looks pooped.  I am going to let him rest and then practice our place command again.  I am thinking tonight I might even attempt a BATH!