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The holidays can be the happiest time of the year, served with a heaping side of stress. From relatives making your house home for holiday visits to decorating, hosting parties and finding time to yourself in between, the season is busy for everyone.

However, we often forget about our furry little friends and the stress they go through during the holiday season. Not that they are neglected, but it’s easy to lose sight of their comfort amidst the chaos that we find ourselves in. This can result in bad behavior, uneasiness or an unhappy dog in general  … and nobody should be unhappy during the holidays.

So, here are a few quick tips to help your dog get through the holidays without being in a holidaze.

Tips to Help Your Dog During the Holidays

Give Them Their Space

According to, dogs are often left without their usual areas during the holidays because of visitors, decorations or needed extra storage. Whether it’s their own room or a corner in the kitchen that they call home, try to keep it available for them.

By doing so, you’ll give your dog what he likely needs most in chaotic situations: his comfort zone. As an added bonus for your dog putting up with weird music, awkward people he’s likely never met before and a little less attention from your busy body, beef up his bed with extra goodies. Blankets, chew toys, snacks and anything else that’ll help them feel at home will be greatly appreciated.

Think About Your Dog …

Technically you should spend plenty of time, all the time, thinking about your dog … right?

Yes, but we are referring to something else. When it comes time to set up a Christmas tree or have house guests, think about how your dog will feel. Will he be nervous? Scared? Excited? Overjoyed by the company? Some dogs love having guests because it means more attention and more treats for them, while others hate it.

So, think about how what you’re doing during the holiday season will affect your dog before you do it. This also means paying attention to your dog during events to keep him calm and under control. If they seem to be stressing out or getting a little too rambunctious, give them some time outside or in their safe space to calm down.

Routine is Key

Your dog, just like you, likely has a routine that he is accustomed to for his day-to-day activities. Just because the holidays are here doesn’t mean that you should abandon that.

So, whenever you can, stick to his regular routine. Yes, you might have to change it up a bit to accommodate everything you need to accomplish for the holidays, but it’ll make your life (and your dog’s) that much better when you help them follow their routine during the busy season.

Keep in mind that you know your pets better than anyone. So, while these tips may help, they aren’t sure-proof. Always pay attention to your dog’s behavior and make adjustments to their surroundings to the best of your ability.

The holidays are almost here, and what better way to enjoy your friends and family than with a happy dog right there by your side.