by alialden | Aug 6, 2018 | Dog Training, Dog Training Tips
Three Big Dog Training Mistakes You Should Avoid Dog training can be RUFF. Dog owners want to make the best decision to guide and teach their dogs how to behave. However, starting with an untrained dog can mean starting with a very distracted and energetic goofball...
by alialden | Feb 13, 2018 | Dog Safety and Precautions, Dog Training in Reno, Dog Training Tips, in home dog training
We, humans, love to “anthropomorphize” dogs. That means we give them human traits, emotions, and intentions. It’s the only way most of us know how to relate to them and connect with them. We love them like they’re another human. So, we have conversations with...
by alialden | Dec 29, 2017 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Dog Training in Reno, Fun Dog Ideas, Uncategorized
Get ready, it’s time to make some New Year’s Resolutions. According to the Chinese Zodiac, it’s the year of the dog and we’ve decided to look to our furry-faced friends for a little wisdom for setting our New Year’s Resolutions. The best...
by alialden | Dec 20, 2017 | Dog Training in Reno, Dog Training Tips, in home dog training, Uncategorized
Dog Obedience Training – Should I D.I.Y? Dog obedience training is the basic foundation to communicating with your dog. As you and your family become your dog’s pack, your dog will naturally look for someone to lead the way. In fact, it’s unrealistic...
by alialden | Dec 11, 2017 | Dog Day Care in Reno, Dog Training in Reno, Fun Dog Ideas
Winter Dog Day Camp Join in on the adventure! Our Trek & Train program is an exceptional winter doggy day camp that provides outdoor adventure and specialized care. It’s a unique combination of playtime and practice unlike any camp in the area. Winter gets a bad...