by | Jun 17, 2014 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Dog Safety and Precautions
The dog days of summer are here, and in the Reno-Tahoe area that means thunderstorms, splashy events by the Truckee River and most of all … soon-to-be scorching temperatures. Warmer temperatures mean more time outside (hopefully with your favorite furry little guy or...
by | Jun 3, 2014 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Dog Safety and Precautions, K-9 Classes and Workshops
Sweet, sweet summer time. For many dog owners in the Reno-Tahoe area, nothing sounds better than spending your nights hiking and your days basking in the sun on the sandy shores of the lake, dogs by your side. And while the Reno-Tahoe area is an incredibly...
by | May 20, 2014 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Dog Safety and Precautions, Uncategorized
Let’s face it, dogs will forever and always smell like … dogs. No matter how much we try to keep them smelling flowery and fresh, it’s only a matter of time until that good ol’ smelly scent makes its way back and it’s time for another trip to the groomer. As the...
by | May 6, 2014 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness
This time of year, some of us spend more time at the gym trying to shed a few lbs in time for the rapidly (too rapidly) approaching swimsuit season. Well, after a lazy winter, your dog might be in the same situation. It’s sometimes easy to forget, but our furry little...
by | Dec 17, 2013 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Dog Safety and Precautions
This time of year we hear a lot of discussions from our clients about all the seasonal products that are brought into the house–products that are foreign to households during every other season. Chocolate, mistletoe, tinsel, Christmas trees and candy canes all...
by | Nov 26, 2013 | Dog Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Dog Safety and Precautions, Dog Training Tips
This blog was inspired by all the times we’ve been asked, “Can I feed my dog turkey bones?” As we sit down to enjoy our holiday feasts this season, it is important to note that there are menu items that should be avoided. You can take a peek at a blog we wrote...